Hi! I'm just wondering if anyone is still following this blog. It's been an awful long time since I posted anything here, and I keep meaning to come back to it but I never seem to find the time for it. I also don't really seek out free downloads the way I used to (in fact, I wonder if the idea of downloading music vs. just streaming it is still something that most people do), so there really hasn't been much for me to write about anyway.
However, music remains an incredibly important part of my life, and I still manage to find ways of listening to new music without spending a ton of money on it. I think I'd like to try writing some posts about the music I've been listening to, even if it's not necessarily available for free anywhere, as well as ways of obtaining music through means other than downloading. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't - I'll give it a try and we'll see what happens.
So if anyone happens to read this, why not post a quick comment to say hi, how you're doing, what you've been listening to lately, etc. Talk to you soon, hopefully!